Five benefits of using Dalapro Roll Nova
Five reasons why Dalapro Roll Nova roller applied wall covering is an ideal solution for your home renovation projects.
Smoothing over damaged walls can prove to be an arduous task that takes time, concentration, and practice. Dalapro Roll Nova is a grey ready mixed roller applied wall covering ideal for smoothing over a wall of damaged plaster and a convenient option for minor repairs and DIY projects.
Suitable for most substrates on walls and ceilings indoors, Dalapro Roll Nova can be used on concrete, plaster, fabric, and wallpaper.
Here’s why there’s plenty to like about Dalapro Roll Nova if you’re seeking a professional finish to your home improvement jobs.
Easy to apply
Trouble-free application makes us happy every time, right? Dalapro Roll Nova comes in a handy, pre-mixed 12-litre re-sealable tub and can be easily rolled straight from the tub, ensuring even distribution and full coverage with minimal skill required.
Quality finish
Dalapro Roll Nova is ideal for swiftly making your walls smooth and easy to sand before decoration. The result? A professional and visually pleasing finish. Winner!
Time saving
Dalapro Roll Nova can take around eight hours to dry, which can be achieved with adequate air flow (fling open those windows!). Surfaces are ready for painting or further decoration. Time for a brew, anyone?
Minimal tools required
You simply roll the ready mixed wall covering straight from the tub. Whilst a medium pile roller can be used to apply Dalapro Roll Nova, we would recommend a 9” wired roller to achieve the easiest application and best quality finish.
Reduced wastage
Due to the pre-mixed formula, Dalapro Roll Nova can reduce the chances of mixing errors that may lead to material wastage. The easy rolling application results in a more accurate coverage which can reduce spillage or overuse.
Dalapro Roll Nova is available in Selco, Builder Depot, and Dulux from October 2023.